It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when it’s time for Medicare. Between the plans, parts, and letters, it’s easy to get confused; there’s just so much to know!
That’s why our knowledgeable staff of local, licensed insurance agents are ready to lend you their expertise. Together we can review your options and find the coverage that best fits your needs.
Also known as Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part C is an alternative to Original Medicare. These “bundled” plans include Part A, Part B, and usually Part D.
Plans may have lower out-of-pocket costs than Original Medicare, and in many cases you’ll have to use doctors that are in the plan’s network. Most plans offer extra benefits that Original Medicare doesn’t cover, like vision, hearing, dental, and more. Learn about Medicare Advantage.
Also known as Prescription Drug Coverage, Medicare Part D helps cover the cost of prescription drugs, including many recommended shots or vaccines. Plans that offer Medicare Drug coverage are run by private insurance companies that follow rules set by Medicare.
Original Medicare covers many health expenses, but by no means does it cover everything. Medicare Supplemental policies exist to provide for the gaps left in your coverage. These “Medigap” policies allow you to have coverage where the gaps in Original Medicare leave off.
Don’t worry, Medicare Supplements are standardized by the government across state lines. Feel safe choosing your policy knowing it will be the same in every state, and for every carrier.
In nearly every circumstance, you can breathe easy knowing that you won’t have to fill out any paperwork. Your provider will be dealing with Medicare and your Medicare Supplements directly.
Your Medicare Supplemental policy won’t be restricted by your provider network. You can go to any doctor that accepts Medicare with confidence.
Carriers cannot drop you from your plan, as long as you pay your premium on time. You’ll remain covered.
When it’s time to enroll into Medicare, you have many options. Medicare Advantage is one such option, and while it may not be for everyone, it could be the perfect fit for you. It might be easiest to think of Medicare Advantage as “fee-for-service” insurance.
Many factors come into answering this question, but where you live, whether you travel, and the kind of care you currently need, weigh heavily in the ultimate outcome. Working with a professional who knows what’s available in your area can help you determine which is better for your particular circumstances. You’ll want to take advantage of such a resource when making this decision.
No one wants to think about life insurance. It’s only natural, there’s enough on your plate without having to consider the absolute worst, but if you have someone who depends on you financially, putting the conversation off isn’t an option. Life insurance could be their lifeline in the event of a tragedy.
Often, when people think about life insurance, they assume that the only reason to get coverage is being protected from the unexpected, but life insurance can also help plan for other issues.
Living, but needing help, can become very exhausting and expensive for the family. There are life insurance policies that can accelerate benefits and help pay for long term care services.
Since the 80’s, funeral expenses have been on the rise. Today they can easily cost upwards of $9000. Even a small life insurance policy can pay for your funeral costs so that they aren’t a burden on your loved ones.
The passing of a loved one is one of the most trying times a person can experience, and if there are major debts to pay off, this time could also be catastrophic. Help your loved ones pay the mortgage, car loans, credit card balances, and other debts by purchasing life insurance to cover outstanding expenses.
If you have a spouse or dependent who would struggle financially without your income, then you should have a life insurance policy. Supplement your loved one’s income, so that they’re financially secure even if you’re no longer around.
Would you rather leave your money to the bank or government, or protect it for your children, grandchildren, or a charity? A life insurance policy can guarantee your legacy is exactly as you’d like it and your family and loved ones are financially secure without you.
Are you looking for an insurance designed to pay for expenses you’ll incur if you are unable to care for yourself and need support? You should be concerned because no other insurance, including Medicare, pays for this kind of care and an unfunded Long-Term care event can ruin even the most carefully constructed financial plan. Learn more about Long Term Care insurance and why you may need it.
If you’ve had a loved one who needed professional care, either from a nursing facility, assisted living center, or at home, then you may know how devastating the expenses can be. Consider these numbers:
*Source: ASPE Research Brief Revised Feb 2016